Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Shaking my head
Well yesterday while I was out there were at least 8 people in front of me with the welfare cards and trying to get money out of them still at the store. Most of the time you can tell that the people have been on the system for years on end when they get really nasty with the cashiers totally. Like it is the poor kids fault that there is no more money for food nor cash for anything else at the end of the month when the people blew thru the money the first 3 days that it hits the card. I got out to the parking lot after I got done out of the store paying a bill totally and 7 of the people got into brand spanking new cars and 1 person got into a cab. I started shaking my head and was in discuss when the person that I called picked up the phone to answer a question that I had for him. When I got over to the place the guy asked and I told him what happened. All the guy could tell me and here we are struggling to pay the bills on time and that happends more times than not while we are out. I would still love to see the 6 people try to get enough food along with other things for the household for 20 dollars a month like the system tried to do with me years ago at the trailer. After I said fine I will show up at your door for 1 meal a day and start in on the laundry while I am at it all pluss another saying while I was at it. I was on the system for a year and got kicked off since we made 1 dollar to much at the time also. That is when I got good at the trailer to get food to cook at the time also. So now here I guess this is why I still pick up the nickles and walk alot to this day. With that being said here this is why I still have somethings on hand here and always will for the place. Pluss I still think about alot of ways to cut down in more ways around the household here while I am at it all. Since things get turned off all of the time here along with laundry being hung up to dry instead of the dryer being used, the fire place goes more times than not still this year compaired to last year, and streaching out the cleaners to the max it all works togeather for the place. It makes me wander in what really goes down in some households and with some people not even bothering to figure out that you just can not use and abuse others at all. Since it will be 2 years here next month when I dropped the house phone totally here for the place it helped out some also. By the time I dropped the cable and went with the dish the cable company did not like that, when I said I get more channles for 40 dollars less than what you were charging me here. So now at this point in time I am looking for another internet service that is cheaper to run for the household here and I do not care if it is slower than what I have now. So this is what I get for not moving into the prodjects at this point in time also for not having free cable along with other things that I have to pay for also here. That is what gets to me more than anything at this time here on top of it all. So now to start saving money again around the household here and go from there this morning to see where I land up for the day.