Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at least the truck is back up and running here once again. Since I told my Husband I won't beg him to do anything at all and it hit him totally yesterday morning. I learned years ago that begging and pleading with him does not work at all to have him do anything around the trailer and the house here also. So after all said and done here he sprayed down the cap down with WD40. If you have a Dodge Ram truck the cap is known to get water into them because of where they sit under the hood of the truck. So what you do is hold down the gas peddle and crank over the key untill it starts and keeps running after that get a can of WD 40 and spray the cap down good and it will keep the water out. My Husband freaked out when I told him that one of his buddies told me to do that part of it and do not worry about it. With spraying it down like he did it will last for at least 6 months to start with that part done. When I say there is 101 uses for alot of things I can prove that part. Not only can you fix some car/van/truck parts with the WD 40 it takes squeeks out of things, and you can use it for your joints also on top of it all. I learned that part of things when I was young and the parts on vehicals alittle over 2 years ago here. All I can do is laugh at times since alot of things have many uses in my household totally. When some people say recycle things in the household they mean it. Just like ice cube trays when they have a hair line crack and will not hold water anymore they make great trays to hold things like the screws, nuts, bolts, beads, safty pins, pins, and many other small things to get organized. Just like the end table that is so battered and tattered in a houshold also has many uses. That is when I have thrown a folded sheet over one and let it hang down around the sides of it at the trailer. With that you can store can goods under the sheet totally and they are hidden and out of the way and still use the top to hold things like lamps, coffee mugs while you are sitting there and several other things you want to put on it. It comes from living in a small space also when that part happends. There are alot of things that can be reused totally and making the stuff look totally different also for the place that you are in. With that being said here this is why some habbits with me are hard to break around my place at this time. When myself and my Husband finally broke down and got the new grill and lawn mower for the house this past April some were in shock that we did that part of things. The one lawn mower was getting fixed and ready to go back to the one gal and that is how we got the other also here. With the grill here it had cut the costs in the household since I did not have to use the oven hardly over the summer months. Pluss I still have alittle bit in the one tank from April here and I used the grill more times than not here over the hotter than snot days. So there are alot of ways to save money on the bills for the household nomatter in how broke you are. Alot of things have been pulled from the side of the road here while we were at the trailer so we could have something to sit on in the main room at the time. And yes we were that broke to where we could hardly pay the bills at the time. So now things have got somewhat easier and I can pinch money untill it screams more than once still to this day. The funny part of it is here is that I will hoard a 20 dollar bill in my purse and when we are that broke at times of the year it is gas and food money still to this day. I think that is what gets to some people still about me here in where I am at. Since I am a tight wad in many ways here for my place it makes alot of people wander and think in why I am doing some things that they think would never work for them. I guess that I have got use to some things thanks to some people for spending every penny on me at one time or another while I have been out on my own. I guess it is another reason of why I will keep cutting the costs as much as I can nomatter in what I do here for where I am at now also. Pluss not only that this past weekend I got asked my both of my sisters here if I had food in the household. I said yes and all I needed to get was butter and milk for the household. Since I have a ton of pasta and rice that are still here for the place at this time I have food. To go along with that part of things I do have canned veggies for the household still here and with the rice and pasta I can get several meals out of that part of things here. This is why I say that there are some staples in the kitchen and there is always something to eat for a meal if you look at it and figure out what goes with what and when.