Well now I am wandering if I am doing the right thing for the household at this point with the bleach. My Husband looked at me like I had 2 heads and 4 more arms coming out of my body. So as I sit here and think on things alot more here for the household and how to get that much cheaper also I have my doubts on if I can really do this part or not still. Do not get me wrong here it is a habbit that I have to keep the costs down here for the place. What some people do not get is that I do not hardly go into the grocery store unless we are that low on food for the household along with other things also at this time. So now at this point in time I guess that I will be hanging more laundry up here like I normally do anyway and turning things off during the week also while I am alone here in the household. There is alot that I end up doing that will cut the costs here and it gets dumped on the curb for the weekend also so it seems. So now I will have to work extra hard on that part of things here on my own to prove a point in what I am trying to do here for the place. Since my next step here is shop the dollar stores alot more here once a month I should be ok after this on that part of things. So with alot of it on me here I will see what else I can do to make alot more happen for the place. Also this is where the fire place comes in alot more than what I have been using it for while I am at it all. With that part it will help kee the gas bill down this winter. It seems like every time I am turning around here something is going down. So now it also looks like I will be the only one eating the cabbage soup that I made on Friday also here for dinner. Oh well on me here at least there is food to eat here and I will not go hungery at all at this time nor will my Husband at all. Now to figure out in how to get alot more done on the cheap end of things for the place and get things done that way for the place I should be ok. I guess that I am at a cross roads for some of the stuff that I am trying to do either way that I go.