Well I will not go back to AT&T again here. In what they have charged me over the past 5 months they will be lucky to see another dime out of me here. To charge me 30 dollars to take money off when I did not authorize it at all. There was the loop hole totally and they still want to charge me the contract fee here also. So that bill will wait untill dooms day around here on that one. With that being said here that is alot of the reason why I have not been to the grocery store at all with cell phone bill coming in at 400 dollars a month here when we hardly used the phones. I was totally done by the time I told them that I ain't paying it at all if ya still want to screw me without the vaseline. So now at this point I will see what happends here with Verison and go from there. Since I have been trying to cut the costs again here in the household and the cell phones were the first to be cut around here totally I may as well see what else I can cut with the gas and power bills again here along with the other bills also while I am at it. At this point in time here at least I can say that some things are still in the back stock and that is what has been saving myself from going to the grocery store also. With the fire place going most of the time around here also it does help that part out totally. So now as I sit here and plot out in how I will get alot of this done here totally for the household and a few other things here of course it should be good here over the next couple of days. At least I can get out of the household here for awhile and walk alot of the frustrations off that I have at this time again. With that being said here I will say in how much I will get here for the nickles again when I get them. Yesterday I got 50 cents by not doing much around here at all. Once I get alot of the housework done today I will get my toush on the move here so I can see where I land up totally on that part of things here. Yes I will be on a cleaning rampage again here for the house totally. I may as well since I will be talking to the doctor on Friday here and see what the date is here for the next surgery also. So since I am sitting here some of the hot spots have been cleaned up already here in the household and I know that I need to do more here for the day. So I am off to start cleaning again and see where I land up along with my walk also here.