Saturday, December 1, 2012
Shaking my head
Well yesterday was brutal nomatter what I did. Between the fireplace going and getting gas for my truck here it was to flapping cold. So as I sit here now and I am not so cold anymore here it is a nice thing totally at this time. With some of the bigger logs and the pallet wood that we picked up I did try to keep the household warm and it did not work what so ever at all. Now here with the weather being in how it all is and I am looking at a hard winter this go around I may as well use the fire place to help the gas bill out this year. Of course the one neighbor tried to nail me again yesterday here and it did not even work to his advantage. All I can do at this time is start laughing when the bills come in both places and I do not have the double care payment at all. With that being said here I know that I am on track with alot of things for the place here while I have been doing the cheap side of things. Things like using the fire place, keeping things off during the day, cooking on the cheap, and streaching things out on the back stock also. There is just alot of things that I do for the household that some do not realize that I do at all. Pluss all the reasons of why I am doing in what I have been doing here. With the gals next door seeing in what I do for the most part here they have realized that I have a system and I will not brake it for anyone. Also here I have also came to realize that at least I can get things done on the cheap and want to take it further than what I have been here. There are some things that I still will not do at all and that is fine by my Husband at this time. I do not see a reason for a bucket for things when somethings are cheaper here than what others figure that they are. I guess this is why I shop over at places like the dollar stores for some things that are needed and can get the items cheaper than what I can make them and or wash them also. With that part said here I would rather take the bag in the garbage can out once a day on that part of things. Now here since I do have the back stock again and it is not as bad when my Sister in Law past, it will still work out for the better on my part. Things are not heapping over at all is what I am trying to say like they were 7 years ago. Since myself and my Husband can laugh about that part here and how long it took us to go thru all of it at the time it hurt when I had to start buying things again for the trailer. So now here at least I can say that things will get done nomatter what goes on or down at the time. As I sit here and think of alot of things that went on and how cheap that I have became on alot of things between the trailer and here for the house it has worked out. Sometimes it does get hairy here and sometimes I do get down about things here and that is how it all goes. At least things all work out in the long run. This is why I shake my head at alot of things that I have seen here over the years. Like when Sandra Lee starts with the low cost cooking with her shows alot of us have her beat to snot totally in what she does. Since some of us pretty much know in what to do for cooking all 3 meals for a family and can get it down to about 10-20 dollars a day not including making something out of nothing in the pantry or freezers then you know in what is going on in the world. It is about ready to get alot worse also here for that part of things once I think of that part of it all. With alot of things here I will say that some things will never change on that part at all. Also I am not one of the people who has the money to have stake every night of the week also here for the household at all. The funny part of it is that I can make 2 meals today and still have plenty of leftovers here in the place in what I have made totally. Ok Ok so I have the fixings for soup for the day here also along with other things here. The head of cabbage is in the fridge and I have to use that up here also. This is when I miss the cabbage fest totally and a good head of cabbage. When my Grandmother pulled out the cabbage and made soup out of it last year I almost went bonkers. But it worked. Now I have made that at least 4 times here in the household and will make it again here shortly so I can freeze it back also.