Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Shaking my head
Well with people will always waste money around the area nomatter what the rest of us tight wads will do to keep the place going. Since I did pick up 80 cents today here already this morning and got my walk in also I had a pretty good run of it all. At this point in time since I do go on my walks still to this day and it use to mortify one niece totally when I would take in the neckles that I picked up during my walks here along with picking up the nickles while we were out togeather. If that was the worst thing I did while we were out togeather then she got lucky with me. So now at this point in time since I will get back out for the day here it will be easier for me to pick up the nickles without a problem at all now for the day here. I may as well get out and get something done for the household at this point. Also here at least it will be money coming into the household also while I am at it now. What helps at this time also is that I will end up getting alot cheaper here for the place. Since some people will not get in why I do some of the things that I do at all untill they hit bottom in their place. So I will do in what I have to do from now on here in the household to keep things down totally nomatter what happends here on the weekends. With that being said the fire place will be going also in the place for this weekend. I may as well put the extra heat into the household and save on at least one bill here this month. Now with this morning I got to clear out the brain also for the day here while I was on my walk here and it is a good thing. Since I have new hope on getting alot cheaper for the household here it will not be that bad of a day here. With my mind clear here and it all gave me new hope on alot of things that got put into prosective also while I got wet. At this point I guess that I will have to get out here fairly early since by the end of my walk this morning the sweeper was getting ready to start when I was about done. That is what I get for keeping a good pace up for my walk also here for the morning. Also the headache here that I have had for the past week went away finally. Ok so I have been somewhat lazy here about the walks and will have to get out there and move my toush around more often here. So now to get to the housework here and see what I can get done for the day on the cheap end of things.