Well after yesterday I knew that I was going to have an almost empty tank of the truck here and it is almost empty. So now I guess I will have to really crack down totally on the walks on myself totally without a question at all. At this point I will get out today here and get some things done of course and it means a nickel pick up while I am out of the house also. It seems like we are broker this year than we have been with the trucking industry other than other years. Also it means that I have to contrive that much more here to pay the bills of course here for the month. At this time knowing in what I know here without saying to much of course it will all work out. Now is the time that I am thankfull for the back stock here in the household and will use that part of things here without a problem. I guess this is why I try to stock up while the gettings good here also. With that being said here since I have my ways of cutting down the bills around the household here also everything will be put into use here also in what I have done in years past. With the exception of the fire place this year totally for the house unlike the trailer. Now here I will be doing things here in the household and it may work. I just have to remember that things have to be turned off untill 5 pm from now on here period during the week. Pluss I got to thinking about this on the ride out and back to where we went yesterday is that I can use the craf more in the mornings along with candles also to see with here. That is part of the tricks that will be pulled out here for the place this week again. The nice thing about all of this is that it cuts the bills down along with saving from using alot of coffee during the week here also while I am at it all. By Thursday I will use the microwave to heat the coffee again and go from there. With that being said for the place here at least I can do alot of things since I am alone here during the week to save. With alot of it I have to think on during the day in ways to get things cheaper here along with the easier way of doing things also for the place. I guess this is why I do not mind walking at all at this point still. So now to just put everything togeather here to start cutting down on alot of things again for the place and go from there. Also here since the fire place will go more often than not at this point it is a good thing for the household. Now since alot of things are a jumble again in where to start first besides the power and the gas bills here I will have to work on it all. At least I am not frustrated this time in doing way to much this go around. I know in what to expect on alot of things here and that is how it goes. All I can say is when you first start with cutting the costs in the household take small steps about it all. So now at this point in time here it is where to begin with the place and go on with it. The nice part is that it will start today and work with it. Now to see where I land up for the day.