Well at least I am seeing things that need to be cut all over the household again. The funny thing is at this time is that my Husband is agreeing with me also in what I need to do on parts of it all here in the place also while I am at it. Since it is winter time I guess that I will keep using the hair dryer here untill warmer weather hits and see where I land up on that one also here the man was shocked in what was going down with the fire place also here. Since it puts heat in the house and the furnace does not have to work as much here it is a good thing at this time once I think about it. It all seems strange that I am seeing things in a new light here to keep the bills low. It will all work out here one way or another or it will kill me one around here also. Since alot of things here I have hollered about totally my Husband has finally came to realize that I am right on that part also. So now with leftovers here in the household along with me cooking again tonight I may as well be hung out to dry totally. So that means that the walks will start up again for me to start really thinking on what to do for the household here and to get extra money on top of it all. I can say that the walks clear my mind so I can see things in a new light also for the place and it does not seem so bad when I get back also to get things done. When I can pick up a nickel here without even trying after we cashed in the pile that I had in the house it all works out. Now at this point in time there is still alot that I can get done totally here and that is how it goes with me. I guess it is one thing that my Husband does not get as of yet in what I am trying to do now once again. I have came to the point at this time that I need to do more nomatter what goes on during the week. With that being said here there are still ways that things can be done here and some of us have to really think about things here. Since most of the time I am here by myself anyway in the house and it gives me a chanse to do more also during the week. Alot of the time here the power is off for the most part and just the radio going. Also I try not to waste other things here also during the week while I am alone here. Sometimes I have to laugh in what goes down here that works for being cheaper than snot. The fire place keeps all 4 birds happy and it is free intertainment for them since they like to watch the flames. Also here it helps with the gas bill totally to keep that down to non stroke level here while I am at it. Now I have to work on the water bill here to get that one lower here also and see what happends. Since there is only myself here in the household it should not be above 50 dollars period for that one. So it just tells me that some are just robbing the money since the city is broke. That is what gets to me the most around here with the town and the city here totally, the power bill was out of this world in the town and the water bill was low, in the city the power bill is low and the water bill went thru the roof. So now with that part I will have to work on that part more here totally during the week here. I guess dishes every other day along with other things that can be done during the week.