Well at this point it is totally a normal holliday totally here. What else can I say about it. More dishes than I can count here along with trying to cook on top of it all. With that said I am on my 2nd load of dishes and I need to start the washer again here so I can have towels also. It may be one heck of a B-day bash for some to where it is another day for me here. So now at this point in time since I will be cooking here along with cleaning and still do not expect anyone over at all to the house. That part is fine by me here totally since I am cooking left over turkey jazed up at this point. I guess this is why I am going to do what I have to here to help support the place nomatter what anyone says at this point in time. Some of us have done lost when the little ones were born years ago. Maybe that is what has drove me to make it in the world nomatter what happends. It is all clicking in what my one out law told me here a week ago and then some when I felt hopeless about the matter at hand. This is why if I fail now at least I came up swinging and trying at this point in time to make something happen for myself here. Also I am somewhat back to work after this point. I will donate my time to help out and the person understood why I said yes at that point also lastnight. It has been awhile since I tended a bar totally and will make it work in the first 5 minutes of being back into it all. The nice thing about all of what is going on now is that some people that have told me no and you will fail does not have a clue at this point in time in what is going down and never will. Ok so I am mad about what happened and I know that it was not even me here at this point in time at all. This is why I say never ever tell me ya can't or don't even try since ya will fail anyway here in what you are trying to pull. I am not pulling squat here and in it for the long haul since I have been lied about along with being torn down along with it over the years. That along with trying to be cheaper than snot also for the household nomatter where I have been over the past 22 pluss years.