Monday, December 31, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I get to work tonight here totally and I am happy about that kind of. I am not looking forward of being out in the cold. So now at this point I still have 2 loads of laundry to get done here for the day before I do anything else besides plot out the rest of the day. With that part of things here knowing that the both of us have to dress warm tonight and I have to cut on a pair of gloves also now it will not be so bad. Also here I ended up with a new pair of shoes since the ones that are here except one pair that are pretty tattered. The one pair have never fit right anyway and that is how I ended up with the new pair totally. So now at this time I will wear the one pair untill they are falling apart and go from there. Anyway here at least I will be doing the cheap end of things from now on for the place and myself from now on and some people will not like it when I get done here at all. Others have figured out in why I am cheap so far and they have not seen anything out of me as of yet to what I have been doing. It is part of the new years thing that I am setting up. I have several things on my list this year to get done and getting that much cheaper is only one thing on my list. Some people will be shocked in what I will do to keep things lower than snot for the place that I am in now. Ok so I am clawing my way to keep the house here totally. That means alot of the bills will come to a screaching hault here and I will kick and scream over this one totally untill I get my way on it. It will mean more money in my Husbands pocket also during the month here and he will not mind it when I explain why here. Also I will fall into some good deals while I am at it for things that are needed to keep the household going this up coming year. There is so much that I can do here totally and will get it all done even if it kills me to do so. I have been wanting to down size things for a good while here anyway and I will make it all happen. Also with myself thinking so much here on alot of things totally I know in what I have to do here to make it all happen for the place. Pluss since I have a list this year with the goals that is only a surface of what will go on that you see here today. There is alot more that I will be doing for the household also from now on that I am not saying as of yet here. It will all come out here totally and I will make alot of things work.
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Well I am going to wander nomatter what goes on here I guess. So now at least I can get some things done today and go from there of course. With 3 big loads of laundry here that needs to be done along with the normal other things also here it seems strange that I can get part of this all done today without a problem at all. Also now with another holliday coming up it will not be that bad at all this go around here while I am at it. Anyway at this time at least I can be cheap about the things that need to be done here in the place and go from there from now on. I have came to the point of when I see a nickel in the parking lots and on my walks here I will pick them up totally. Since it does not bother my Husband at all it is that much better on myself here. At least it is something coming into the household that I can do myself totally and not feel totally guilty on picking it up. One persons loss on the nickles here is another ones gain at this time. That is how I will be looking at it all now for the place and I may as well do that part. Since I try to cut things down for the place here totally it has helped out in more ways than not also here. I have nothing else better to do with my time normally here when I am alone during the week. With that being said here I guess some of the things that are here in the back stock I got lucky on. The sales were to good to pass up at the time for what I have and I stocked up on alot of things for the place at the time. This is why I do not have to run out and get dish soap, shampoo, conditioner, bar soaps, laundry soap, fabric softener, and bleach. Then the part of the food for the household also I got ready for while I was at it to make sure that I had at least a months worth on that part of it also. So now here at least things are getting done and I will sit down here to pay some of the bills while I am at it all today or tomarrow. I guess it gets to alot of people when I can get cheaper for the house here and not think twice about it at all. It is also bad that the taxes are going up here within acouple of days for alot of us. With that part I am thankfull for places like the dollar stores to where alot of people would not be caught at now at this point in time. At least one dollar store will help me out in the long run here without some people even knowing about it. Also now since that is said I will have to go that route here very soon anyway for my second kitchen totally. My husband does not mind that part of things at all in what I am doing for food in the house along with what is there. So lets see in how I get all of this done here and it will be put down here.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Working already
Well I got one thing out of the household and truck already here this morning. I had over 13 dollars this morning here when I took them into the store. Since I am sticking it into the one jar that I have set up for all the nickles that I get here on my walks at this point and it will be the extra money totally now for months ahead here totally. So now at this point I am still plotting for the household here in where to start first of course. Everything will be cheaper than snot today of course and that is one of the hard parts that I have to do for the day. With that said the laundry will be hung up once I get that started here along with a sink full of soapy water and a sink full of rinse water for the dishes. Some things never end around here at all with the housework. So as I sit here and start to think about things here that I can get cheaper on, there is alot of work that I can do for that part of things totally. It is one of my goals for the new year here anyway and I will see in how it all works out. Since I have noticed that the dollar store will help out on that part of things here for the household totally, it will not be so bad. I am totally gearing up for things to start going sky high anyway all over the place and the dollar stores are a good place to get started on alot of things here anyway. Since the dollar stores in the area that I am in have a good stock of cleaners, food, soaps, and household products also at this time here now it is not that bad at all. Some things though some people will not like at all when you first try them in the kitchen. At this point I would have the cheap O's for cereal than the regular name brand stuff still. Once you start bringing in the non name brand things into the household and that is all you get to feed the household the people in it will get use to it and not want to go back to the name brands. Another thing is that I found that works here is that I keep a name brand box for something and put the off brand in the one box. It workes wanders with picky children in the household. With that said here when you go alone to the stores it is cheaper that way. Pluss eat something before you go also. Most of the time I have a list in my head here and it helps out to know the store lay out while you are at it. Sometimes Walmart is cheaper in some things of course but, that is everywhere you go. When I had picked up 4 packs of elbow pasta for a dollar here last week it worked for me totally. Now I can throw it into soups and other things that I make for the household totally here for the place. Alot of the times you have to get creative with things also in knowing what works and what does not work alot of the times. There are alot of times here that I just throw everything into a pot and there is dinner for the place.
Well after all that was done yesterday here for the place it is still a mess. It could be worse totally here in the household. I was planning on getting more laundry done that what I had got to and that did not happen at all. Now for the day I will get alot done for the place since things need to be done anyway and it will depend on the lines down stairs as normal. With that part of things it will be another cheap day here since hardly anything will be running again. So now at least I will be getting more done here in the place today than all week. Ok so I have not stopped plotting for alot of things here at all. It keeps my mind off of other things here and I will admit to that part totally. Anyway at this point in time here I have been looking around the household to see if I can cut anymore out of the budget here and I have came up with some things that might work for the long run. It also helps out that I have a full tank of gas for the truck that I have and I have to get back to my walks so I can clear my mind. Yes I have noticed that alot of things are jumbled into one big mess. With that part said here I will do that part this morning and get it done and over with since I will be near one of my spots anyway for the day. The good part about all of this is that I know that I can make it with the walks even though it is colder than snot outside at this point. As I say get out early and get parts of the day done here so I can work for the rest of the day in the household. There are many things that I have noticed here in the area also that are not good at all. With alot of the prices going up it is almost sticker shock for alot of things that are needed. It makes neighbors wander in why I have been taking walks anyway here and it is for the extra money alot of times along with weight loss here of course. At least I know that by the end of the week when I walk all week here I can go over to the one dollar store and get enough food for the household without a problem. That is how I have been looking at things as of late for the household totally. With taxes going up here all over the place Middle Class was fun while it lasted. There are still ways to cut the costs in every household still and I am working on alot of it myself still. The cheaper products, food, turning off things, and hardly driving does help out here totally for the budget. If you have a fire place get it inspected and fire it up when the person gives ya the green light to do so. The wood that I found and got was alot cheaper than paying a 200 pluss dollar gas bill for the furnace. Also check with the city and make a deal with them for trees that they cut down. Just like the news paper inserts also for the day that your area comes out for the sales along with the coupons. With that said it is more important to streach out every dollar that comes into a household at this point in time after and with the disaster that is going on in Washington. Alot of ways here I can see the dollar stores doing a huge turn around after the first of the year here when people see less money coming in and alot more going out. Now I will figure out a tighter budget for the new year along with things that I will be dropping along with it all. So things will be off more times than not here after the new year and alot more coupons will be printed out also for the place. Maybe part of it all is the shock value that I need with others in the same checkout lane that I am in at the stores also.
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Shaking my head
Well with a full tank of gas for the truck here along with other things that need to be done I will have a busy day without a problem. Between the floors that need to be mopped along with several loads of laundry here it makes for a long day nomatter what I think nor say. So alot of it I have to get up off my tush to get done here for the next couple of days while I am here alone. Since it will be a cheap day here it will not be so bad after all said and done here for the place. Without some things going at all here it saves on the power bill totally. It is like I don't want my Husband to go at all, then again I keep the bills lower without him also at the same time. Since there is a foot of snow here in the area I guess that is why I do not want him to go. Anyway at least I can say for today and tomarrow here I will be able to get some things done here in the place. Either way it will be a good day here nomatter what goes on or how much I get done for the day. Now I will have to see in what I can get done along with I may as well get a move on for the day.
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Plain out nuts
Well not a nickle in sight this morning at all here and it is flapping cold out. Ok so I have been to some places already and walked to the bank along with cleaning up part of the kitchen already this morning. I guess this is what gets to some people about me here still to this day. When it takes me 5 minutes on foot and if I was driving to the bank it would take me 10 minutes totally. So with that part I would rather walk and get cold than to drive and waste gas here. Another thing is that since I will be out and about for part of the day here also it will give me the chance to do something here totally without thinking about it all. Then there is the fact that I need to clean period for the day in the place and some will not like in what I will be doing also since my Husband is home untill tomarrow morning. Oh well on me here totally for tomarrow. Worse comes to worse I get alot of the cleaning done tomarrow here and not think twice about it all. It would be an easy route to mop the floor as normal without some tracking it all back up in the kitchen. Also here since the fire place is going totally it has helped nut the furnace keeps chugging along with it for the day. With some people they already know that I will do everything that I can here to cut the costs of the household and the fire place does help out here. Now to keep the fire going here for the next several days to keep the place warm enough totally and save on some bills here in the household. With alot of it here money will be short on hand and that is how it is. Since some people have not got that part of things in my household as of yet now I am happy to send the money back totally to prove a point here in what they want me to do.
Thinking again
Well at least I can think on alot of things still to this day here for the household. With the storm that is coming now here for tonight I will have the fire place going without a problem at all. At least there is leftovers and heat for the household at this point in time here and I know what to do if the power goes out while I am at it. As I sit here at this time I am plotting on what to do for the place first as normal. When one of my sisters asked if the housework was done I started laughing as an answer. So I will get to alot of it today I hope and see what I can do for the place. Since it is looking like the taxes are going up along with other things all over the place I am just thankfull that there are places that we all can shop on the cheap along with cutting down what is in the households at this time. What has got to me the most is that it seems like some just do not care what so ever at all in what some of us have to do to make it. Since the taxes are over the top in some states here it makes me wander in what some are really thinking. Also on top of it this is why I am trying to stay stocked up here for the household. At this point some would be shocked in what I have been doing for the place at this time here totally since things have got out of controle at the white house. I am not rich at all and I try to get the best deals on alot of things for the house here at this time. It will only get worse here in the upcoming year. I will be getting more Sunday papers while I am at it for the coupons here and see where I land up with that part of things. With that part I can at least save 15 dollars if not more at Walmart and Kmart totally here with the ones out of the paper along with the printed ones off of the computer also. Taxes go up it seems to me what the heck may as well use more coupons to off set things that others want out of us. So now there is alot to really think about along with plotting in how to feed the families along with cleaning the places up that we are in also. Oh and the dreaded bills that have to be paid while we are at it. That leads up to the fact that the welfare checks do not get taxed at all that some people have going into their places. With that part said here some better wake the flap up and smell something about that part of things. Why should everyone elses taxes go up when some people do not get taxed at all. It makes you wander along with thinking of what really is going on. In the mean time I will be shutting things off today along with being alot cheaper here for my place to keep the house here.
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Normal here
Well at this point it is totally a normal holliday totally here. What else can I say about it. More dishes than I can count here along with trying to cook on top of it all. With that said I am on my 2nd load of dishes and I need to start the washer again here so I can have towels also. It may be one heck of a B-day bash for some to where it is another day for me here. So now at this point in time since I will be cooking here along with cleaning and still do not expect anyone over at all to the house. That part is fine by me here totally since I am cooking left over turkey jazed up at this point. I guess this is why I am going to do what I have to here to help support the place nomatter what anyone says at this point in time. Some of us have done lost when the little ones were born years ago. Maybe that is what has drove me to make it in the world nomatter what happends. It is all clicking in what my one out law told me here a week ago and then some when I felt hopeless about the matter at hand. This is why if I fail now at least I came up swinging and trying at this point in time to make something happen for myself here. Also I am somewhat back to work after this point. I will donate my time to help out and the person understood why I said yes at that point also lastnight. It has been awhile since I tended a bar totally and will make it work in the first 5 minutes of being back into it all. The nice thing about all of what is going on now is that some people that have told me no and you will fail does not have a clue at this point in time in what is going down and never will. Ok so I am mad about what happened and I know that it was not even me here at this point in time at all. This is why I say never ever tell me ya can't or don't even try since ya will fail anyway here in what you are trying to pull. I am not pulling squat here and in it for the long haul since I have been lied about along with being torn down along with it over the years. That along with trying to be cheaper than snot also for the household nomatter where I have been over the past 22 pluss years.
Monday, December 24, 2012
Shaking my head
Well I have not failed as of yet here at all. So now just to figure out how I will end up doing some things totally and go from there. Since I try to do things on the cheap here totally for all the things that I do in and out of the household and prove some people wrong. At this point in time here since I have not tried some things here at all and I am willing to try totally so if I fall flat on my face that is on me not others. With that being said I will make a phone call here today and tell the person I am going for it. May as well since I have nothing to loose at all here. So now at this point I will start looking into things here totally and go from there. Now to get that much more cheaper here in the household and see what I can do on that end of things also here. Knowing that if I fail here with trying it is ok now and what I do get will be used for the household anyway after this. My Husband and I talked yesterday here on what has went on over the years here totally and he was happy that I did pick up the convection oven here when I did 8 years ago now. Ok so it saved our toushes here more than once and will continue to do so also. With the move that we did alittle over 2 years ago here it took us almost 3 weeks to hook up the gas line for the oven at the time. So that is when the convection oven came into play here for cooking along with the microwave for some things. Now with that being said here I will figure alot of things out here as of today and will not mind it what so ever at all. All I can say is thank goodness for the dollar stores here in the area totally and go from there also for almost everything. I may as well do that part also for the place. So at this point in time here I am thinking good thoughts here and will run with it. Since I am always working here in the household on the cheap end and it is a never ending battle at times and other times it is ok I can do all of this. Now with that part I know in what I have to do here totally and I have a good head start on things for the place already. Now it is full throw down for getting cheaper here for the household and alot of the cleaners to get used up also here while I am at it all to get that part switched over again. Ok now to start in on the day here and go from there.
Sunday, December 23, 2012
Still thinking
Since I am always thinking here in how to get this done here for the week I think I may have it here. I will be using leftovers from the one bird here for Tuesday and it makes it easier on me. With another part I will still need bread for the household totally and that will be picked up today while I am out of the house without a doubt. Now to get everything done on the very cheap side this week and see if it can be done for the place. Since some already know that alot of the power is going off here anyway for most of the week here in the house it is a good time for my Husband to freak out here on what I do. With that being said for what I end up doing here all week it should not be so bad. When I got home yesterday from the one dollar store I got asked in how much I spent and told my Husband only 30 dollars for what is here along with the 4 things that got left in the truck also. My Husand shook his head and helped me into the house then. So with all the dinners that I will have to make here for the place this week I know in what I can do already for that part. The KitchenAid will be broke out here totally since I will need it to help make some of the things already. The wierd part about that is that I have to find some of the attachments that go with the stand mixer so I can get some of the potatoes done for at least one dinner. So now here there is just alot to get done here without a problem at all and it is where to start with all of it here. Where to start this morning here is getting the mixer out of where I have it along with the attachments. Another part is laundry so I will have the hand towels for Tuesday here. Since I am going on the cheaper end for alot of things here in the household it is amazing my Husband here already in that I am going to the one dollar store again for some of the food for the household. When the coupons start coming in again here it will just drag the costs down for that part along with some of the soaps also here. Pluss thru the time that my Husband will be home the fire place will be going to help heat the house. I may as well use it here since it works. With alot of things that have been cut down here I had to look totally in where to start in the place that we were at. I still have to look here and think ok what is the easiest way along with the cheapest way at this time to get things done. So I will start thinking and looking again here along with cooking even cheaper than before. The Dollar Tree will help with that part of things in the place also at this time.
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Shaing my head
Well I got out to the dollar store today already and made dinner also while I was at it. At this time I have figured out in why I have went back to the dollar store again here for the place. With that part here at least I can feed the household off of about 3 dollars now here instead of 10 dollars. Since some people have not figured this part out in what I have done and they will not if I have my way at this time here. That is the fun part here for in what I can do under some noses totally. When my Husband found out that I ended up with a free bag of cough drops yesterday he looked at me like I was nuts. Since the coupon was a dollar off of 2 bags of the drops it came down to 50 cents a bag. Now to get the Sunday papers more often here so I can save more out of the one dollar store when I go back by next month here. So now with that part here at least I will be getting another area in the household that much cheaper here. I can say that today that some were happy when they could use coupons in the store that we landed at also here to help out in that area of their place. Also with today I got asked in who had the better deal on a cell phone plan that was realiable in the area. I told the person Verizon here since the bill was spot on in what the gal told us it would be. So I guess I sold the person on the service that we got at this time. Also at this time I have to really work on the household this week here for keeping things down here. It will be abit harder here since my Husband will be home for almost a week here. With that I can get out for my morning walks here this week with ease. The better part at this time is that with everyone shopping at this time I will be taking my time here for the walks.
Friday, December 21, 2012
Shaking my head
Well as of yesterday I got out of the house for acouple of hours. Since I walked around 2 stores in total here and felt alittle better after that I now know that part of what is going on. With that said I will be trying to get more coupons here for the one store also and the nickle pick up will help on that part also here at this time. With alot of things here I had forgot that the one place that the whole thing is a dollar per item and they take coupons also. With that being said at least I can go out to get some shopping done now for food and make it all work here. Since I am trying to get cheaper here for the household anyway it is another good place to get things done here also. Ok so the one dollar store the products are almost the rejects from other stores since they are smaller than what you get also. I can think of worse things that could happen besides that. So now here at least I know that some things will work better here since I will be going back at least once a month here to the one dollar store totally. Now at this time at least part of what I got done yesterday I had coupons for both stores here along with hanging a load of laundry here for the day. It all adds up in the end with what I do for the household totally. Between the sales, coupons, turning things off, and streaching things out it all works in the household. Also cooking at home instead of going out to eat cuts down on the budget for the household. That is where part of the planning comes into play. Granted some people do not know in how to cook at all and that is fine. There are web sites out there to help with that part of things also. So now here with the one dollar store you would not believe in what is in the store when you walk in. It is a cheap way to feed the household totally at this point when you make to much for the food stamps/snap program. What I do not believe in is the folks that have been on the system for generations. With that said if you are 50 cents over you do not get on period. So now with the one place I will be back to get more things when I cash in the nickles totally here. This is why I also throw the pasta from the box into a zipper bag with bay leaves also here it makes it easy to pull out a cup of pasta to go along with other things during the week here. This is why I will not mind going back to the one store here. Anyway the planning will help with the budget and think on things before it all goes down in stone. Get others involved also if they are in the household nomatter what.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Almost forgot here
Well one good thing came out of this week totally is that the phone bill came back down to earth here totally for the month. No more 350 dollar pluss phone bills totally here after the crud some tried to pull on me from before. When I opened that bill yesterday here I was in shock totally and it was a good sign for my part. So now at this point I reread the top of the bill while I was at the table here afew minutes ago and realized that there was no fighing about it here with the company. So now I will read line by line on the bill and go from there this morning and maybe that will help me get things into gear here for the household. Since I did not vac the main floor yesterday here I will get that part done today and see how I feel after the first load gets hung up to dry also in the basement. So lets see in what I can get done for the day since I have some running to do also here for the household and how I last with that part of things.
Figured it out
Well I have figured it out around here in why I have been really on the mood thing around the household here and it is not pretty at all. At this time I know that I have to get alot cheaper in the place and it will be done here totally. Since I have had alot of pain and stress on things over the past several weeks and yesterday was no suprize when it all flaired up again on me. Now I will get my toush into gear here for alot of things to work on the cheap end on the household again. Pluss I will have to write things down so I will remember in what I need to do for the place. This is where the walks will come into play for the household also at this time and I will not mind it what so ever now. With that part of things I will have to walk into the house here and start with the note pad to get things down right away and go from there in what I have to do. Also with the walks it will help me loose more weight here while I am at it along with the thinking end while I am at it. Now since things are being used up here in the household also it does not seem that bad that I will be a step closer to get that much cheaper for the place also. This is what I get for hitting the heavy weight bag yesterday and will do it again on what is going down here for the household this weekend. Alot of what has been going down is not good at all and I will do what I normally do during the week while I am alone to prove a point here. I do not see any other way at all but to do more here for the household to get it that much cheaper here totally. I guess this is why I have been running the fire place that much more here at this time to keep the bills low along with unplugging things also during the day for the most part at this time. Also here I have been trying to cut back that much more on the cleaners at this time to streach everything out as much as possible here. Maybe I am ready to take the next step also here for some things for the household here and do what I have to without the help from now on. So I guess the coupons will come back into play once again here along with other things that I was doing at the trailer also now. I am just not sure in how I will get all of this done here in the household as of yet. This is also in why I go for walks while I am at it to help put things into place at this time still here. At this point this morning already I have been thinking on ways to get things done here for the household and none of it is making since in how I will get it done. Since I have alot to get done still for the day here I have already gave up on what will come first to get done here totally. At this point it is a 2 footer day as I call it and what that means is to just go into it with both feet and start working in the hot spots.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Shaking my head
Well yesterday while I was out there were at least 8 people in front of me with the welfare cards and trying to get money out of them still at the store. Most of the time you can tell that the people have been on the system for years on end when they get really nasty with the cashiers totally. Like it is the poor kids fault that there is no more money for food nor cash for anything else at the end of the month when the people blew thru the money the first 3 days that it hits the card. I got out to the parking lot after I got done out of the store paying a bill totally and 7 of the people got into brand spanking new cars and 1 person got into a cab. I started shaking my head and was in discuss when the person that I called picked up the phone to answer a question that I had for him. When I got over to the place the guy asked and I told him what happened. All the guy could tell me and here we are struggling to pay the bills on time and that happends more times than not while we are out. I would still love to see the 6 people try to get enough food along with other things for the household for 20 dollars a month like the system tried to do with me years ago at the trailer. After I said fine I will show up at your door for 1 meal a day and start in on the laundry while I am at it all pluss another saying while I was at it. I was on the system for a year and got kicked off since we made 1 dollar to much at the time also. That is when I got good at the trailer to get food to cook at the time also. So now here I guess this is why I still pick up the nickles and walk alot to this day. With that being said here this is why I still have somethings on hand here and always will for the place. Pluss I still think about alot of ways to cut down in more ways around the household here while I am at it all. Since things get turned off all of the time here along with laundry being hung up to dry instead of the dryer being used, the fire place goes more times than not still this year compaired to last year, and streaching out the cleaners to the max it all works togeather for the place. It makes me wander in what really goes down in some households and with some people not even bothering to figure out that you just can not use and abuse others at all. Since it will be 2 years here next month when I dropped the house phone totally here for the place it helped out some also. By the time I dropped the cable and went with the dish the cable company did not like that, when I said I get more channles for 40 dollars less than what you were charging me here. So now at this point in time I am looking for another internet service that is cheaper to run for the household here and I do not care if it is slower than what I have now. So this is what I get for not moving into the prodjects at this point in time also for not having free cable along with other things that I have to pay for also here. That is what gets to me more than anything at this time here on top of it all. So now to start saving money again around the household here and go from there this morning to see where I land up for the day.
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Shaking my head here
Ok knoing that taxes are going up around here totally and that I blame on Obama here totally since he wants everyone on welfare totally. Well start taxing the crap out of the ones that get a monthly welfare check and for their free phones all over the place and not the ones who pay the dues to support the bumbs on total welfare here. Since some of us are lucky to even have a phone left here along with the dish for T.V. and have to pay for it all here gee it is time for some people to get off their dead beat asses here and start paying for what they all have for nothing. Also why in the heck am I trying to be cheaper than snot here with the fire place and turning things off also during the day when others get it for free at this time here. It makes me wander about things and shake my head even more about things altogeather now. As I told my Husband here I am doing all that I can to help out by taking my walks and picking up all the cans that I can get at this time for the place. Ok so it is not much here at 80 cents for this morning and tomarrow maybe worse on me totally here. So I will do all that I can for the place here now to make sure that we have the money to pay the place off also at this time. This is what I have been wandering about here totally now along with the hope that I can eat by the time I am done also here. When some of us are working here it is not fair by the time the welfare bumbs are done when they have brand new caddies here and I want the used piece of junk that I have still and not eat most times. Gee no wander in why I am loosing weight here around the place totally. Since years ago I was waiting at a food pantry and here comes 6 brand new caddies pulling up with people getting food that were better off than I was at the time. It got to me then and still does to this flapping day on that part of things. So now I will figure out some things here to see if we make it untill my next surgery here even if I have to walk to the store to tell my Husband here take it home and I will be there within an hour here totally.
Shaking my head
Well with people will always waste money around the area nomatter what the rest of us tight wads will do to keep the place going. Since I did pick up 80 cents today here already this morning and got my walk in also I had a pretty good run of it all. At this point in time since I do go on my walks still to this day and it use to mortify one niece totally when I would take in the neckles that I picked up during my walks here along with picking up the nickles while we were out togeather. If that was the worst thing I did while we were out togeather then she got lucky with me. So now at this point in time since I will get back out for the day here it will be easier for me to pick up the nickles without a problem at all now for the day here. I may as well get out and get something done for the household at this point. Also here at least it will be money coming into the household also while I am at it now. What helps at this time also is that I will end up getting alot cheaper here for the place. Since some people will not get in why I do some of the things that I do at all untill they hit bottom in their place. So I will do in what I have to do from now on here in the household to keep things down totally nomatter what happends here on the weekends. With that being said the fire place will be going also in the place for this weekend. I may as well put the extra heat into the household and save on at least one bill here this month. Now with this morning I got to clear out the brain also for the day here while I was on my walk here and it is a good thing. Since I have new hope on getting alot cheaper for the household here it will not be that bad of a day here. With my mind clear here and it all gave me new hope on alot of things that got put into prosective also while I got wet. At this point I guess that I will have to get out here fairly early since by the end of my walk this morning the sweeper was getting ready to start when I was about done. That is what I get for keeping a good pace up for my walk also here for the morning. Also the headache here that I have had for the past week went away finally. Ok so I have been somewhat lazy here about the walks and will have to get out there and move my toush around more often here. So now to get to the housework here and see what I can get done for the day on the cheap end of things.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Shaking my head
Ok with alot of what has been going on here totally no wander in why I forget things here in the household totally. The good part of it all is that I can still get things done when need be and I told my Husband in the afternoon over the phone nothing will be done here and go ahead and start screaming now it will not help ya out at this point in time. Ok so I was in a mood to do squat here in the place yesterday and that is what I did squat. So now at this point in time today will be somewhat busy here and that is fine by me at this time. It will help make me forget another headache that is on me here again. I guess that is part of the reason why I am willing to go thru another surgery. Anyway at least with today there are things that will get done here on the cheap and my Husband will see this out of me again for the second time this week for the household. So now with that being said here there is always things that need to be done in the household nomatter what goes down. Since nobody is here to waste things on me anymore and I did try to get it thru some thick heads at the trailer it did not work at all. This is why I have been saying that things have been sticking around in the place for the past several months also. With prices going up all of the time still to this day here this is why I have been cutting down on alot of things between the trailer and the house here. The trailer was a trial run and the house has been a good run for the most part in the past 11 months also. With the dryer not going constantly and I can shut things down more often than not also in the place that part has helped out. Then to switch over alot of the soaps and cleaners have also helped out around the place while I have been at it all. This is what some have not got about in what I have been doing at all now and wanted to come back to see what was going on. With the Ajax dish soap and what little cleaners that I have left under the kitchen sink at this time it will work out for at least 6 months here totally. By the time I run out of cleaners here for the place I will still have enough bleach to do some damage for cleaning. This is why I have been trying to get the back stock in the house here totally so I do not have to run out to the stores everyday nor once a week here for things that are needed. I guess that has made some people mad that know me in what I was doing at the time. Also now since I do have some things here in the household still that I can cook with here while I am at it all the people that were mad before have not realized in what I can still do with what is left here in the household at all. Since I have ran out of eggs here I will get up enough nickles to get a dozen and make meatloaf tonight for dinner for the place. The leftovers will get cut up thin here for tomarrow and get fries on top of it along with gravy here for the 2nd meal. The funny part about what I am doing now is that one of my sisters could never ever make a meatloaf to save her toush nomatter what she did. So what I would do is take what was undone in the middle put it into a fry pan cook it the rest of the way with baked fries and slap gravy on it for dinner or supper the next day and had others drooling over what I made. Pluss thanks to some places that I shop at for the 5 for 20 dollar deals for other meats here it helps out. This is where it comes in knowing in what to do with the odds and ends of things for meal ideas totally. Since I will be stocking up on soups again here for the household for Febuary so I can at least eat something that will slide down it shoud not be that hard at all.
Friday, December 14, 2012
Hope as normal
Well I have to have hope here yet again and this go around is less scarry on my part. The worst part was done a year and a half ago with the disks laying on my spine and fixed here. Now to fuse the rest of my neck here and see what happends after that. Also something hit me totally yesterday here in what was said to me years ago while I was down in PA at that point. Maybe some were right in others being crashed out on my sofa for the rest of her life and it was not my sofa after that. After being madder than a wet cat about the whole thing at the time in the trailer along with other things that were going on also at the time it makes me wander in what some did do with the girl totally after some of us walked away. The one post was not ment to be nasty at all at that point in time when I said that I did replace the girl with appliances at the time. It was the truth around the trailer and still is to this day on that part of things here for the household. When I knew that by that point in time there was one more mess that I had to mop up from some and was happy that it was almost over with it all. Pluss there were times where I could have just reeked havick at the time also on some and did not do it at all. Since some got me to really jump in with both feet to get that much cheaper at the time at the trailer, that is why I had a very hard time with that part of things. When I took alot of it away and started adding one thing at a time after that again per month and week it turned out better than expected. So after that part that is how I got alot of things while I was pinching pennys that much harder at the trailer. Now at this point in time it has became the habbit here to cut the costs along with other things for the household and it was all from what I thought would be a huge push from thinking that myself and my Husband were getting a spoiled brat at the time. At least now that part did not happen at all at the trailer and it was totally for the best also. Since all of the bills have came down over the years along with not having to deal with the crud that would have went down over the years.
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Still shaking my head
Well I will not go back to AT&T again here. In what they have charged me over the past 5 months they will be lucky to see another dime out of me here. To charge me 30 dollars to take money off when I did not authorize it at all. There was the loop hole totally and they still want to charge me the contract fee here also. So that bill will wait untill dooms day around here on that one. With that being said here that is alot of the reason why I have not been to the grocery store at all with cell phone bill coming in at 400 dollars a month here when we hardly used the phones. I was totally done by the time I told them that I ain't paying it at all if ya still want to screw me without the vaseline. So now at this point I will see what happends here with Verison and go from there. Since I have been trying to cut the costs again here in the household and the cell phones were the first to be cut around here totally I may as well see what else I can cut with the gas and power bills again here along with the other bills also while I am at it. At this point in time here at least I can say that some things are still in the back stock and that is what has been saving myself from going to the grocery store also. With the fire place going most of the time around here also it does help that part out totally. So now as I sit here and plot out in how I will get alot of this done here totally for the household and a few other things here of course it should be good here over the next couple of days. At least I can get out of the household here for awhile and walk alot of the frustrations off that I have at this time again. With that being said here I will say in how much I will get here for the nickles again when I get them. Yesterday I got 50 cents by not doing much around here at all. Once I get alot of the housework done today I will get my toush on the move here so I can see where I land up totally on that part of things here. Yes I will be on a cleaning rampage again here for the house totally. I may as well since I will be talking to the doctor on Friday here and see what the date is here for the next surgery also. So since I am sitting here some of the hot spots have been cleaned up already here in the household and I know that I need to do more here for the day. So I am off to start cleaning again and see where I land up along with my walk also here.
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at least the truck is back up and running here once again. Since I told my Husband I won't beg him to do anything at all and it hit him totally yesterday morning. I learned years ago that begging and pleading with him does not work at all to have him do anything around the trailer and the house here also. So after all said and done here he sprayed down the cap down with WD40. If you have a Dodge Ram truck the cap is known to get water into them because of where they sit under the hood of the truck. So what you do is hold down the gas peddle and crank over the key untill it starts and keeps running after that get a can of WD 40 and spray the cap down good and it will keep the water out. My Husband freaked out when I told him that one of his buddies told me to do that part of it and do not worry about it. With spraying it down like he did it will last for at least 6 months to start with that part done. When I say there is 101 uses for alot of things I can prove that part. Not only can you fix some car/van/truck parts with the WD 40 it takes squeeks out of things, and you can use it for your joints also on top of it all. I learned that part of things when I was young and the parts on vehicals alittle over 2 years ago here. All I can do is laugh at times since alot of things have many uses in my household totally. When some people say recycle things in the household they mean it. Just like ice cube trays when they have a hair line crack and will not hold water anymore they make great trays to hold things like the screws, nuts, bolts, beads, safty pins, pins, and many other small things to get organized. Just like the end table that is so battered and tattered in a houshold also has many uses. That is when I have thrown a folded sheet over one and let it hang down around the sides of it at the trailer. With that you can store can goods under the sheet totally and they are hidden and out of the way and still use the top to hold things like lamps, coffee mugs while you are sitting there and several other things you want to put on it. It comes from living in a small space also when that part happends. There are alot of things that can be reused totally and making the stuff look totally different also for the place that you are in. With that being said here this is why some habbits with me are hard to break around my place at this time. When myself and my Husband finally broke down and got the new grill and lawn mower for the house this past April some were in shock that we did that part of things. The one lawn mower was getting fixed and ready to go back to the one gal and that is how we got the other also here. With the grill here it had cut the costs in the household since I did not have to use the oven hardly over the summer months. Pluss I still have alittle bit in the one tank from April here and I used the grill more times than not here over the hotter than snot days. So there are alot of ways to save money on the bills for the household nomatter in how broke you are. Alot of things have been pulled from the side of the road here while we were at the trailer so we could have something to sit on in the main room at the time. And yes we were that broke to where we could hardly pay the bills at the time. So now things have got somewhat easier and I can pinch money untill it screams more than once still to this day. The funny part of it is here is that I will hoard a 20 dollar bill in my purse and when we are that broke at times of the year it is gas and food money still to this day. I think that is what gets to some people still about me here in where I am at. Since I am a tight wad in many ways here for my place it makes alot of people wander and think in why I am doing some things that they think would never work for them. I guess that I have got use to some things thanks to some people for spending every penny on me at one time or another while I have been out on my own. I guess it is another reason of why I will keep cutting the costs as much as I can nomatter in what I do here for where I am at now also. Pluss not only that this past weekend I got asked my both of my sisters here if I had food in the household. I said yes and all I needed to get was butter and milk for the household. Since I have a ton of pasta and rice that are still here for the place at this time I have food. To go along with that part of things I do have canned veggies for the household still here and with the rice and pasta I can get several meals out of that part of things here. This is why I say that there are some staples in the kitchen and there is always something to eat for a meal if you look at it and figure out what goes with what and when.
Sunday, December 9, 2012
Still thinking
Well I am still thinking around here to say the least. The fire place has helped with that part of things also and to cut the gas bill down for the winter months totally. I may as well start the fire while I have the chance here totally. So as I sit here and think of all the ways that I can save money here for the place, I still get knocked down every so often thanks to some people around me. When I get told by some do not worry about it and go as cheap as you feel that you need to go at this time also it helps. So at this time when I get knocked down along with feeling that way I try to look at the bright side of things here for the household. So now here at least I can say that getting out of the house here does help on alot of things while I am at it. I look at it as being stuck in the household for 95% of the time here and it gets hard looking at the same thing to think of what I can do next. Part of the reason of why I came up with alot of what I do from the trailer to the household is from being stuck tucked in and not being able to go anywhere also. I guess this is why I started walking early or really late at nigh to get out of the trailer when myself and my Husband were there. Now at this point here I can say that with the dish I am getting the other cooking chanel here and I am in awe with it since it is one of the free deals. This is where you will find some of the shows that the food network will not show anymore. Just to get ideas for the household here for dinner totally will work for me. This is what I would do on the weekends at the trailer is watch the news and switch over to the food channels totally. Ok so I seen Sandra Lee and pretty much picked her apart here on cooking in what she thinks is cheap for her meals and the semi homemade on her part at the time along with now. Only if the woman knew in what the rest of us can do to get meals out that are good for everyone and on the cheap she would freak out. Knowing that some cook just for the show and that is it, pluss never think that some of us do not bring in over 20 grand a year there is a problem. This is the reason of why I am thankful that I ran into the site about 7 years ago if not longer now. This is why I have thrown out most of what some will say to get people to watch their show at this point and what they wore to get others to watch. Now some have toned that part down since her Boyfriend is the NY State governor here. That is why I think on what some people do and start laughing alot of the times.
Well now I am wandering if I am doing the right thing for the household at this point with the bleach. My Husband looked at me like I had 2 heads and 4 more arms coming out of my body. So as I sit here and think on things alot more here for the household and how to get that much cheaper also I have my doubts on if I can really do this part or not still. Do not get me wrong here it is a habbit that I have to keep the costs down here for the place. What some people do not get is that I do not hardly go into the grocery store unless we are that low on food for the household along with other things also at this time. So now at this point in time I guess that I will be hanging more laundry up here like I normally do anyway and turning things off during the week also while I am alone here in the household. There is alot that I end up doing that will cut the costs here and it gets dumped on the curb for the weekend also so it seems. So now I will have to work extra hard on that part of things here on my own to prove a point in what I am trying to do here for the place. Since my next step here is shop the dollar stores alot more here once a month I should be ok after this on that part of things. So with alot of it on me here I will see what else I can do to make alot more happen for the place. Also this is where the fire place comes in alot more than what I have been using it for while I am at it all. With that part it will help kee the gas bill down this winter. It seems like every time I am turning around here something is going down. So now it also looks like I will be the only one eating the cabbage soup that I made on Friday also here for dinner. Oh well on me here at least there is food to eat here and I will not go hungery at all at this time nor will my Husband at all. Now to figure out in how to get alot more done on the cheap end of things for the place and get things done that way for the place I should be ok. I guess that I am at a cross roads for some of the stuff that I am trying to do either way that I go.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at this time here at least I can do some things still here. Today is one of the bigger laundry days here for my place and I may as well get started on that part this morning early. With that being said here at least I will not be chewed out for that part at all for what I have to do today. Also that part will be done on the cheap as normal here for the household. Pluss since I do not need to start in on the one pile of towles here at all and have enough left to get thru untill January here also on that part. It makes me want to shake my head on that part of things nomatter what for the place. Also since I try to get at least something done during the day nomatter what is going on here in the household. Since I did get to some hot spots here in the livingroom yesterday it seems like it was not enough at all in what I did get done. So with that being said here at least I can get more done here today and see where I land up on that part. It seems like I can not do enough here at times. Also here since I have been getting cheaper for the place it is not that bad here at all. At least I still have the extra heat for the household along with other things also here that can be used. So now as I sit here and start plotting for the day it seems wierd that there is still alot to do here for the household. But then again I have been sleeping more here also in the afternoons while I am at it. So I may just skip the nap today to get some things done here in the household totally for the day and see how cheap I can get things done here. Since I need some hot water for the day here for some of the things that need to be done of course it will not be so bad. Now that I have started in on the kitchen for the morning here while I have been at it all and that is not as bad as I thought it was at this time it should be an easier day for that part of things also. I guess that I am having a hard time moving at this point in time since I pretty much know in what needs to be done and just getting up and doing. Since there is alot of hot spots here in the household that part will be done I hope by the time I get a phone call tonight here.
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Well I still wander from time to time here and I have thought alot about getting cheaper for the place here again. Now with the bleach in the bathroom that will help out here for that part of things in the household and my Grandmother started laughing since I am figuring out that it is ok for myself to get that much cheaper. Also I got some advice from her while I was on the phone with her this week. So now at this time at least I am getting things done on the cheap for the household again and everything is kicking into high gear from the trailer. All I can do is start in on alot of things and go with it all. Pluss it is all worth a try again in what I was doing at the time. With that being said the bleach has been broke out for the household to clean with for parts of the bathroom here along with when I start running out of cleaners also in the kitchen again. Maybe this is what is worrying some people at this time since I am thinking about alot of what still needs to be done here totally for the place to make it that much cheaper. Since I do use the old news papers also here for the fire place and that part helps with the gas bill also for the place at this time. Now with the laundry here I have been using less of the soap along with the fabric softener here, then to hang up everything in the basement here also. I may as well here since I have nothing else better to do here during the week. I started that with the drying racks at the trailer during the last winter that we were there also. Pluss it was one of the several things that came to the household also here. When people try to tell me that the 15 year old dryer is on its last legs I start laughing since I have hardly used it at all over the years. So now here at least there are some things that are in place at this time to cut the costs and there will be alot more here very soon also. I guess this is why I have been looking and thinking on things as of late here. As I sit here now and think of how I will do all of this in the household and still keep my head on my shoulders also it may all work out for the best in cutting more out of the budget here. At least I can make some people madder than snot at me for what I am about ready to do here also. Since I am willing to shop at the cheaper stores still at this time it will help out also for the place. Now at this time I am really thinking here also about some things. The one dollar store is not so bad at all and I will start going back there for cleaners and some food items also while I am at it all. So now it is some food for thought here and to start thinking on what to do when there is no hope at all.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Well I am wandering if I am doing the right thing here still. Ok so I got the power bill in and I am back to hanging the laundry nomatter what here again. Pluss I am back to the lap top also for to help out that part of things. With some poeple they just do not care at all in what the bills are for the household and will run things up. So as I sit here now and started thinking on alot of things it may work in what I need to do here. All I can say is that some things are harder than what I thought here and I still have to break some habbits for the place. With that said I had some things on by 4 pm in the place and went from there. Maybe I just need to get that part done here by 5 minute blocks of time like I did over at the trailer also when I first started out with cutting things off. That is how I got the times done with things shut off for longer than what some expected also at the time. Also here I ended up realizing some things totally in why I went cheaper at the trailer then took alot of it here to the house also at the time. Since I am still working on alot of things here to get back into gear and that is normal after I let some of it go here when myself and my Husband moved into the house 2 years ago. So with alot of the things that I dropped for the place I am trying to get it going again here for the household. Since the mail lady that we had switched routes and I have not really looked for free stuff as of late here also it is one of the things that I will start doing again for the place. It is nice to get samples in the mail besides the bills other wise known as dirty mail. So I will see what happends on that part of things here totally. The nice thing about alot of what is going on is that I can get the bills down here nomatter what is going on. With that being said here I may just walk to pay a bill totally and go from there today. I figure why waste the gas and this way I can pick up more nickles for the household here also. I know it sounds strange that I am willing to walk at this time since I have the truck. And of course my Husband left it almost on empty anyway here again from this weekend. That is one bad thing here about going so far out at this point in time. One of the good things is that I do have a face cord of wood to work with here for the fire place and it will help out with the colder weather. Since we do have that at this point in time I may as well use that part of things also here to cut down on the gas bill here. This is what some people did not get at all in how I operate for the household at this time. It is a good thing that I can see what I need to do here without the push of someone else being here. As I told someone yesterday here since I went cheaper in the trailer at the time because of the thought of getting a spoiled brat 8 years ago how else do ya think that I got the stand mixer at the time. The person that I said that to almost fell out of her chair when I told her that. This is what I get I guess for nickle and dimeing the trailer at the time.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Shaking my head
Well after yesterday I knew that I was going to have an almost empty tank of the truck here and it is almost empty. So now I guess I will have to really crack down totally on the walks on myself totally without a question at all. At this point I will get out today here and get some things done of course and it means a nickel pick up while I am out of the house also. It seems like we are broker this year than we have been with the trucking industry other than other years. Also it means that I have to contrive that much more here to pay the bills of course here for the month. At this time knowing in what I know here without saying to much of course it will all work out. Now is the time that I am thankfull for the back stock here in the household and will use that part of things here without a problem. I guess this is why I try to stock up while the gettings good here also. With that being said here since I have my ways of cutting down the bills around the household here also everything will be put into use here also in what I have done in years past. With the exception of the fire place this year totally for the house unlike the trailer. Now here I will be doing things here in the household and it may work. I just have to remember that things have to be turned off untill 5 pm from now on here period during the week. Pluss I got to thinking about this on the ride out and back to where we went yesterday is that I can use the craf more in the mornings along with candles also to see with here. That is part of the tricks that will be pulled out here for the place this week again. The nice thing about all of this is that it cuts the bills down along with saving from using alot of coffee during the week here also while I am at it all. By Thursday I will use the microwave to heat the coffee again and go from there. With that being said for the place here at least I can do alot of things since I am alone here during the week to save. With alot of it I have to think on during the day in ways to get things cheaper here along with the easier way of doing things also for the place. I guess this is why I do not mind walking at all at this point still. So now to just put everything togeather here to start cutting down on alot of things again for the place and go from there. Also here since the fire place will go more often than not at this point it is a good thing for the household. Now since alot of things are a jumble again in where to start first besides the power and the gas bills here I will have to work on it all. At least I am not frustrated this time in doing way to much this go around. I know in what to expect on alot of things here and that is how it goes. All I can say is when you first start with cutting the costs in the household take small steps about it all. So now at this point in time here it is where to begin with the place and go on with it. The nice part is that it will start today and work with it. Now to see where I land up for the day.
Sunday, December 2, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at least I am seeing things that need to be cut all over the household again. The funny thing is at this time is that my Husband is agreeing with me also in what I need to do on parts of it all here in the place also while I am at it. Since it is winter time I guess that I will keep using the hair dryer here untill warmer weather hits and see where I land up on that one also here the man was shocked in what was going down with the fire place also here. Since it puts heat in the house and the furnace does not have to work as much here it is a good thing at this time once I think about it. It all seems strange that I am seeing things in a new light here to keep the bills low. It will all work out here one way or another or it will kill me one around here also. Since alot of things here I have hollered about totally my Husband has finally came to realize that I am right on that part also. So now with leftovers here in the household along with me cooking again tonight I may as well be hung out to dry totally. So that means that the walks will start up again for me to start really thinking on what to do for the household here and to get extra money on top of it all. I can say that the walks clear my mind so I can see things in a new light also for the place and it does not seem so bad when I get back also to get things done. When I can pick up a nickel here without even trying after we cashed in the pile that I had in the house it all works out. Now at this point in time there is still alot that I can get done totally here and that is how it goes with me. I guess it is one thing that my Husband does not get as of yet in what I am trying to do now once again. I have came to the point at this time that I need to do more nomatter what goes on during the week. With that being said here there are still ways that things can be done here and some of us have to really think about things here. Since most of the time I am here by myself anyway in the house and it gives me a chanse to do more also during the week. Alot of the time here the power is off for the most part and just the radio going. Also I try not to waste other things here also during the week while I am alone here. Sometimes I have to laugh in what goes down here that works for being cheaper than snot. The fire place keeps all 4 birds happy and it is free intertainment for them since they like to watch the flames. Also here it helps with the gas bill totally to keep that down to non stroke level here while I am at it. Now I have to work on the water bill here to get that one lower here also and see what happends. Since there is only myself here in the household it should not be above 50 dollars period for that one. So it just tells me that some are just robbing the money since the city is broke. That is what gets to me the most around here with the town and the city here totally, the power bill was out of this world in the town and the water bill was low, in the city the power bill is low and the water bill went thru the roof. So now with that part I will have to work on that part more here totally during the week here. I guess dishes every other day along with other things that can be done during the week.
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Shaking my head
Well yesterday was brutal nomatter what I did. Between the fireplace going and getting gas for my truck here it was to flapping cold. So as I sit here now and I am not so cold anymore here it is a nice thing totally at this time. With some of the bigger logs and the pallet wood that we picked up I did try to keep the household warm and it did not work what so ever at all. Now here with the weather being in how it all is and I am looking at a hard winter this go around I may as well use the fire place to help the gas bill out this year. Of course the one neighbor tried to nail me again yesterday here and it did not even work to his advantage. All I can do at this time is start laughing when the bills come in both places and I do not have the double care payment at all. With that being said here I know that I am on track with alot of things for the place here while I have been doing the cheap side of things. Things like using the fire place, keeping things off during the day, cooking on the cheap, and streaching things out on the back stock also. There is just alot of things that I do for the household that some do not realize that I do at all. Pluss all the reasons of why I am doing in what I have been doing here. With the gals next door seeing in what I do for the most part here they have realized that I have a system and I will not brake it for anyone. Also here I have also came to realize that at least I can get things done on the cheap and want to take it further than what I have been here. There are some things that I still will not do at all and that is fine by my Husband at this time. I do not see a reason for a bucket for things when somethings are cheaper here than what others figure that they are. I guess this is why I shop over at places like the dollar stores for some things that are needed and can get the items cheaper than what I can make them and or wash them also. With that part said here I would rather take the bag in the garbage can out once a day on that part of things. Now here since I do have the back stock again and it is not as bad when my Sister in Law past, it will still work out for the better on my part. Things are not heapping over at all is what I am trying to say like they were 7 years ago. Since myself and my Husband can laugh about that part here and how long it took us to go thru all of it at the time it hurt when I had to start buying things again for the trailer. So now here at least I can say that things will get done nomatter what goes on or down at the time. As I sit here and think of alot of things that went on and how cheap that I have became on alot of things between the trailer and here for the house it has worked out. Sometimes it does get hairy here and sometimes I do get down about things here and that is how it all goes. At least things all work out in the long run. This is why I shake my head at alot of things that I have seen here over the years. Like when Sandra Lee starts with the low cost cooking with her shows alot of us have her beat to snot totally in what she does. Since some of us pretty much know in what to do for cooking all 3 meals for a family and can get it down to about 10-20 dollars a day not including making something out of nothing in the pantry or freezers then you know in what is going on in the world. It is about ready to get alot worse also here for that part of things once I think of that part of it all. With alot of things here I will say that some things will never change on that part at all. Also I am not one of the people who has the money to have stake every night of the week also here for the household at all. The funny part of it is that I can make 2 meals today and still have plenty of leftovers here in the place in what I have made totally. Ok Ok so I have the fixings for soup for the day here also along with other things here. The head of cabbage is in the fridge and I have to use that up here also. This is when I miss the cabbage fest totally and a good head of cabbage. When my Grandmother pulled out the cabbage and made soup out of it last year I almost went bonkers. But it worked. Now I have made that at least 4 times here in the household and will make it again here shortly so I can freeze it back also.
Friday, November 30, 2012
Starting early
Well I started early here this morning for cleaning again. Also here I ended up getting ahold of some people here and got more pallet wood here for the household. Since that part will help with the bigger logs to burn here for the fire place totally and keep the place warmer also while I am at it all here. I have realized somethings as of yesterday and it is nice to get that much cheaper here in the place along with knowing some people out in the area also now. With it looking like the taxes are going up totally by 6 grand on some of us out here and up from there with others I am wandering in how I will get all of this done here. As some said it best Middle Class was fun while it lasted here while we had it. So it looks like that the fire place will be going more here in the winter time along with cutting down on the power usage also for the place. That goes along with other things here for the place also here now for to cut down. I may as well start now with that part of things for the household at this time. Since I have switched things over here in the household to the cheaper end for things like soaps and cleaners it has not been so bad now after all said and done. With the scouring cleaner here it is one of the vercital cleaners for the household at this point. It is like the good old bleach bottle also for the household. There are at least 2 cleaners that you can not go wrong with at all now. Also here since The Dollar Tree takes coupons now I might just land over there more often for the place. Yes it seems wierd that I do not mind paying a dollar for something and with coupons it takes it down even lower for the item at the store. Since the people that we elected here do not seem to care at all now here with the taxes and they want to take the money from Medicare and Social Security instead of the welfare system, gee it seems alittle wierd. What I mean by this is take the folks that have been on the system for years here and say no more for 6 or more years and go get a job. After a year I got throw off of the food stamps totally when some of the people that were there had been on them for the past 20 years and never held a job by that point of their life along with refusing to work in what I was hearing at the time in the hall way. I could not believe it at all when I was hearing all of this years ago. So I ended up asking the one worker what I am in the wrong for alittle bit of food in the household for another 6 months here after the year when some of these gals have been on it for at least 5 to 20 years by this point in time. Well I guess I was also in the wrong for paying into the system by working at a dead end job. Still to this day it makes me wander in what some are thinking here totally. So now I will find out in what I can do to keep everything going here for the household and where we land up at this point in time also.
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Thankfull now
I still want to appologize to the poor gairl that the claws came out lastnight on here. She is still the sweetest girl here that has came over totally and understands in why I have the total problem of switching over. I gave the poor girl so many huggs today that I am sure she was floored over it all . totlly to say I was sorry. Now that the poor thing has seen in how it goes here and normally I am not on the net this early PERIOD here still and so forth. I felt bad and still do since I have been burnt before and the poor girl understands about that part here. So now here I feel somewhat better that I did apologize in person and said where I go at here on the blog. Now I hope she reads and takes something out of the blog here that can help her and or her Momma with totally here in what I do for my own place. Since I am not pushy here at all and I can only say in what I know and works for me also here for my place it works. It is not for everyone in hanging laundry and having things turned off during the peak hours of the day here nomatter where you are. It is hard in todays world out there nomatter in what ya do to save money PERIOD. I just wish that some would get their act togeather here in the country and say hay even the richest people now ain't so rich at this point re now and that includes the Jack wagon in office.
Ok I have been wandering here in the house and even my Husband is thinking in what I have been doing here. I think that I scared him yesterday when I was getting a bill paid here along with being out of the household for abit here totally. Now at this point in time here I had to turn down someone lastnight here when they said that they could drop my power and gas bills here for the household at this time. I looked at her and asked can you beat under 50 dollars for the power and under 70 dollars for the gas bill here the poor girl could not answer at all on that part of things. This is what I get for thinking and wandering in what I can do next to cut on the bills here. With that part being said here at least I pretty much know in what I have to do here for the place and go from there. The poor girl was in shock in what I was doing at the time here in the household and noticed the fireplace also here in the house. This is what also happends when another company started swearing that they could save me money at the trailer and I got nailed for a grand a month totally at the time. So yes I am real leary with other companies when they say that they can save me money here for the place. With everything that I have done so far here for the place it takes some common since along with doing to keep the bills down here. This is why I pretty much do alot of things here during the week also while I am alone so I can pretty much controle the bills myself. The wierd part is that some are on the fine line in what I do here in the household anyway and have not thought in what I do all day every day also at this time. With that part I got nailed last week on it and the week before here also on not doing enough to clean here at all. Then once I started cleaning here infront of my Husband here and got more done than he expected within a half an hour he was shocked. I just looked at him and shook my head along with kept cleaning here for the place also. I will not have a perfect house what so ever and I have learned that over the years here. So now I will have to do some things for today and go from there at this point in time. Anyway another thing is that I will get my walk in today and go from there also here. Since I have noticed that it takes me less time to walk some where totally that part will be done here without a question here since it is the holliday season also in the area. At least I can get out of the driveway again this year and hit the stop light to get to places when I do drive. So now lets see where I end up for the day here and go from there.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Cutting more
Well I have thought alot about cutting more here in the household in the past couple of days here and I will get that part of things done totally. With alot of thought here along with dragging out the laptop again I will make it work during the week without a problem at all. So at this point in time I have put alot of things into use here that I have used at the trailer to cut the costs and it will work out for the best here in the house. Alot of what I have dropped from the trailer was because of being cut down so much here in the place that I gave up on most of the things that I was doing. Now here for the place since I do not have to worry about that part here anymore I will be doing alot more from now on here. Alot of it here is to get some things used up and out of here totally and I will be able to get the old ways back. Things like using rags on the swifter here again to help clean part of the floors. Also there is bleach to clean with here in the place while I am at it all. That is only part of what I plan to do for the place that is on the cheap side of things here. I have came to realize that alot of things that I gave up doing in almost 2 years has cost me enough to make my head spin on the costs that went up. When I got dropped here I also realized that some people just do not care and would rather spend the money anyway and some did not even clean their own place up at all since she spent more time here in my place. So now here since I do not have to get the high priced things for the place anymore and I can streach out what I have here in the back stock also it works out for the best in alot of ways. Also since the lights are not going constanly here in the house anymore along with the dryer the power bill dropped like a rock for the place. That is another reason of why I do not mind being alone also here in the place. With some people they would rather use the dryer and run up the gas or power bills for the household. When the one neighbor said that his power bill was over 200 dollars for the month I about fell over. I also set a goal up to get the power bill about 50 dollars at that point in time or lower for my place. So I checked with acouple of neighbors here and asked for a ball park on theirs and they told me give and take about 35 dollars a month and during the summer it is more of course. So I set out a goal for the power bill almost a year ago and I have got it about there at this point. The summer months almost killed me with the window units here for the house and that is ok still. Another thing that I have came to realize is that I did not waste alot of money anyway in the past 2 years here and I got asked about that part of things also. As I told some that the money was not wasted at all in what was handed to me at the time and I could sit in it, watch it, touch it to get into the house along with open it, paid someone back in what we owed, and drive it here. The poor woman started laughing and said that I made several good choices on what I got for the place and myself. Oh and I got the laptop last year also while I was at it all and took the trip down to Illinois. So I did the right thing here totally in what happened on that part. Maybe that is the reason some did not like in what I did at all and I went the cheap route on alot of it for the place at the time. I did not ask for the government to help me out at all this time for parts of the house along with other things like the one gal did that I know.
Monday, November 26, 2012
Shaking my head
Well at least some things got done yesterday here in the house. With today I have alot to get done as normal and I do not mind that part of things at all. The nice thing about all of it today is that some are already gone out of the household at this time and I can start at any time that I like for the day. So as I sit here and start to plot out for the day already at this time it should not be to bad when I get started on the cleaning. Since it will be a cheap day today it will be nice to relax and clean with the radio going here for the place also. With that being said here some people have got in what I have been doing for the household at this point in time here since I moved in. When the neighbor was asking my Husband here over the weekend in what all that I was doing here to get the place that much cheaper the poor guys stood outside for an hour to compair notes in what I do all day. My Husband could not stress enough to turn things off along with getting the off brand names and using less of them totally for the household. It goes along with getting a used car/truck/van instead of brand spankin new all of the time. When my Husband said that is how we have made it over the years some were shocked totally. With that being said here the funny thing is here at my place is that I have got really good at making dinners out of nothing and it has turned out better than expected here for that part of things. Another thing was that since some did not realize that I got alot of things in Febuary for the household and it is part of the back stock that is being used up now here for things like cleaners, dish soap, shampoo's, and conditioners also at dirt cheap prices since I had been dropped the week before also here. That sale hit just at the right time here totally and I got stocked up. This is what some people that were coming over to the house all of the time did not care in what I was doing except that I was getting to damn cheap for them also and one person started cutting me down for it after October when I paid her back in what my Husband owed to her. That is when some of the trouble really started here in the place. After all said and done I got to thinking about that part of things here over the weekend and realized that it was not me at all here and some people are just plain out there if they do not get their way on things. So after all that has been said and done here I have realized that I was and still am better off without some coming over all of the time and that the place has got alot cheaper also after Febuary. I was shocked when the first bills came in after being dumped and ran with it here since there was no extra laundry being done and other things started sticking around for the place at the time. Another thing that was noticed here in the household is that alot of things have calmed down here also over the months. Ok so I am use to somethings in a household that others would freak out over totally also and the ghosts and shadow people have calmed down also after some people are not here anymore. Since I am in an old area still here I expect alot of it anyway in the the household. With that being said here I am not totally alone all week and who is here does not mess the house up to bad at all once I get something done. So now here at least I can say that things do happen and that is how it is around my place totally.
Sunday, November 25, 2012
Thinking again
Well I have been thinking again here totally. With alot of things going on here in the household along with out of the place I may as well get even cheaper for the place at this point in time. I guess this is why I have been running the fire place more here when it got cool enough outside to keep the furnace from running so much also here so far this year. So now with that part being said here it amazes me in what some have been doing totally for their place at this time. It keeps getting wierder and wierder here in the neighborhood also in the past 6 months also once I think about it all. As I sit here at this point in time and start to thinking of what all has been going on totally and some of us are broker than others also maybe that is why I am saying that things are getting wierd also. What I guess it is here with me is that I am such a tight wad on alot of things here for my place that it I just shake my head when others spend money that they do not have at all at this time. Even my one neighbor asked in how I have got everything done here for the place at this time and I told her. This is why nobody really sees me walking in with the soaps and T.P. for my place at all. I told her to get a back stock going when things are on sale and go from there at this point in time here. The gal was shocked in what I was doing here and it clicked in why I have not got hardly anything for the place in the past 4 months here at all. The back stock has helped out more than what some have even thought about here and that is how it all goes. When another person asked during dinner here on Thursday in how bad the one room really was the myself and my Husband started laughing since I have to get back in there to organize it all again. The the gal realized in that it was my over stock for the household besides the stuff that was in the basement for that part of things here also. So now with that part and the wood here it all works out for the best here in the household. Now at this point in time here at least some things will not change during the winter months at all and I will still be stocked up it seems out of the habbit with that part. Also here some have got the point of why I throw a big log on then a piece of pallet wood on with it. Then I switch to the smaller logs also to keep the fire going here in the household. So it all works out for the best here and I get to keep some bills down totally still. So as I think about alot of things here, there is alot more that I can do to get that much cheaper here for the household. With that said here I may as well go out this afternoon for my walk here when I drop my Husband off at the truck also to see what I can do for that end of things also here.
Saturday, November 24, 2012
Just got back
Well who ever said that I could not make money at all here by taking walks lied to me totally. I ended up with $1.50 today here already here and will get back out to get more of the nickles out in the parking lots and on the side of the street. With that part being said here there is money out there to make it on here totally. You just have to look for ways to get it here. So now at this point I know where to hit up and where not to hit. I hit up only 2 parking lots here and did well this morning. Now I know in what the one guy had said to me and he was right on alot of things at that point in time. So I will get out for my walks here from now on and see what I can do totally for the day. Also now since I am getting that much cheaper here for the household it has become a good thing here so far. Since the fire place will be going alot more here along with the power being off more often also it will give me a chance to catch up on other bills here for the household. I pretty much knew that everyone was in trouble when the yahoo was re elected here for office. Since I do listen to talk radio here there had been so much fraud that it was not even funny. Things like the voting booths that pick the yahoo instead of what the person put down along with the money coming in overseas for the race. Also now things are looking like some of us working class are going to get alot broker here in the next 4 years. So I will be doing all that I can to keep the house here nomatter what. Since I went to the cheap end to get alot of things here some still have not got in the whys of what I have been doing here at all. I have proved that when the both of us were at the trailer. With everything that has went on over the 18 years that I have been up here I got alot cheaper on alot of things here. Since I can get the power bill, gas bill, cable/sattalite, phone, and water down here for the place some have noticed that part of things that I have done. That along with the food and cleaning bills for the place also here is what everyone just blasted me for when we first moved into the house here at the time. Now everyone is use to me shopping at some places and keeping things off totally for the household. That is the nice thing of what I do here along with walking also for the place. I hope that some come to realize that some of us have to do what we have to around here to make ends meet along with getting that much cheaper for things also here in every household. I guess this is why I have not stopped shopping at the dollar stores and the non name brand stores also for where myself and my Husband are at now. Also the free wood has totally helped also here for the place. When it is bitter cold out with the winds that have kicked up it gets pretty bad outside. So that is why I do not mind the fire place at all at this point in time for the extra heat here. This is what happends when we are taxed way to much here in where we are along with not knowing what will happen next also.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Well I am wandering in how I will get all of what needs to be done, done this week. Since my Husband fixed the one glass door in the fire place already the next thing broke down here in the household. With everything that went on over the weekend here I guess there is not enough time at all here to get things done totally. So I will be working for most of the day today here to get things cleaned up and go from there of course. May as well since I have nothing better to do according to some people here of course from Friday afternoon. Gee it is not like I dropped everything to go out to get my Husband along with getting other things done for that day. So now at least I do not have anyone under foot so I can clean here along with doing it quicker than snot here for the day. Also here on Friday my Husband was not getting in why I was using the smaller logs along with the other and everyother time here for the fire place with the bigger logs. Then it all clicked in why I was not going thru the one pile quick enough around here at all his taste here. All I can say is that since I have a system down for almost everything here in the household and my Husband does not get that part of things at all still to this day. When I explained it to some here it was like I had extra arms that grew out of me. Anyway at least I have the extra heat source here along with other things that can get done totally for the household. That is what bothers some people about me here also is that I am trying new things for the household to keep everything down. So now at this point in time for the place is that I will have extra food to throw into the freezer for quick meals on the go. Every little bit helps out here and that is why I did not have to get up to the store for several months for the place also in the past several months. Now since I have enough butter and other things here in the household I should be good to go for the next 2 months or so for that part. Since my Husband knows in what I am doing for the household at this it is alot cheaper in how I do things also here now. With that being said here I did pick up flour, eggs, onions, potatoes, and milk the other day for the big meal come Thursday of course. Now at this point in time I will have to plot and walk here for the rest of the week so I can figure out away to do something else here for the household. Oh well I will let everyone know in how much I pick up on my walks also this week.
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