Monday, September 7, 2009

Still on the count down

Not to much longer before tomarrow morning and the frugal/cheap breaks out on the house.  Everyone leaves except the animals and myself.  It will be strange at first untill I can get use to the Hippy being out on the road again.  So now it crunch time and pulling everything togeather for the Big Rig.  Pluss not only that an added worry about the Hippy being on the road.  That will never go away I guess.  It is the wierdos in the regular cars.  I have seen some stop right in the middle of the highway right before I left Illinois/Mosurri.  So I know the trouble that is out there.  Anyway school is starting tomarrow also.  The creatons out of the neighborhood are going to be gone till at least noon tomarrow.  Some of the kids I swear on the block need shock collars but you can not exsactly blame the kids niether, becuase the parents just dont give a rats behinde about what they do.  So all over it is the big ole count down.  Well I can not say that I won't miss the Hippy becuase I will eather way.  Ok folks have a good one and play even harder.