Monday, December 7, 2009

Alot needs to be done

Well it is Monday once again.  Now to get out to the res once again to get some things out that way of course.  Then to start cleaning the place once again.  I took yesterday off of course and did running looking for houses.  It is not all bad of course just sometimes a pain.  And with the weather about ready to go really bad here I would rather do stuff on dry pavement than sloppy stuff.  Anyway now to do everything as cheap as possible around here as normal while I am cleaning.  Once the Hippy is out of here that is when the madness starts around here for my Monday morning.  Yesterday yes I did start picking up a bit around here to get a head start for this morning.  It is like I am a total slob on the weekends here.  Well with the cooking and doing the laundery it takes me at least 2days for the laundery and I am still not even done for the laundery part.  Sometimes I have to laugh only becuase if I don't then I will crack.  Now to get somewhat cracking around here and do at least 3 more loads and clean the kitchen.  What I do is I use maybe a quarter of the cap for laundery deturgant for my washer.  With the HE washer it takes less soap for the loads.  Even though it is a bigger washer all togeather.  Pluss I use half of the dryer sheet for the dryer.  I have the zipper bags for the cut dryer sheets to store them in.  After I get done with one of the zipper bags they go into a pile so I can use them again and again untill they fall apart.  Now for some of the laundery deturgants you have to use more becuase they are watery.  Try to get the thicker brands and use alot less in what they tell you to use it works out alot better.  I ended up with a bottle of Tide laundery deturgant becuase I was going to PA and that is what works better for me down there.  I don't itch as much.  Since thier water is so much softer down there I used even less per load than I do up here in NY.  Now with that being said I kinda got hollared at by my Aunt which is fine untill she realized that I used an eighth of a cap and had a ton of suds.  We both started laughing becuase she watched me.  Then when I told her that the bottle cost was about 8 dollars and 7 dollars after I got done at the check out lane then it was ok for almost 100 loads from the bottle.  Now I haven't tried to make my own deturgant yet and stressing yet.  I will one of these days.  In the kitchen I use less dish soap for the dishes and use very little of the cleaners to wipe down the counters and cabnets with also.  I try to streach out as much as possible eather way I go.  When you look at the costs in my place and when folks realize that I do streach all of it out by the time I am done they do not like in what I do.  Some say that I am way to cheap others may say I am not cheap enough for everything.  I am still working on the ultra cheap end of things and always will try new things out.  Over the years some habbits are hard to break at all times.  I started doing things out of the reality of NY State being so flipping high on everything.  Now the Hippy just scared the crud out of me.  Telling me A payment of over 300 a week for something.  I asked him if he was out of his mind and what was he smokeing without shareing it with me.  Now I know some folks have over extended themselves around here in NY State.  And were hollering about being broke and not being able to go to the grocery store at all.  I started shakeing my head when they said they had 2 brand new cars in the driveway and a 200 grand home.  Makes me want to keep the older car and move into a shack at times.  The person asked why I was shakeing my head and I looked at him and asked who was spoiled more him or his wife.  Or the kids.  And I was standing there dressed in sweats as I normally have on anyway and diden't care.  What gets to me is that they got nothing at bargin prices and refused to.  Here I went out on Black Friday and got 4 pairs of jeans for 8 dollars a piece then most of the sweats that I picked up were under 5 dollars a piece also.  Ok it doesen't take much to make me happy at all.  When I can sit here and say yes I am cheap compaired to alot of folks here.  Well I can't see haveing a car payment at this time and when do I really go out anywhere that is nice enough to get dressed up.  Where I go to I can really bumm it as alot of folks call it.  As long as I can be comffy when I go out of the can and do what I have to do thruout the day then it is a good day.  Ok folks have fun and play even harder.