Monday, December 21, 2009

Wishing that he van was out of my grasp

At this point in time I wish that the van was out in Collins.  I have so much to do and I really cant get out of the can untill next week at least.  I am doing most of the back up work alone once again since the Hippy won't help at all.  At 5 pm today when he walked in saying oh you pulled the bird.  Well the fight was almost on right then and there with me since I did ask for help.  Well at least I won't have to cook for the next week after I get done is one way to look at it all now.  I really don't ask for much around here at all just a little bit of help is all.  I know I know quit complaining right.  Or as some would put it I am way to sensitive for some things and work thru the pain.  If I go down guess what things don't get done around here at all.  So I keep going eather way even if I throw out the back I have no choice in the matter never did.  I do what I can and I know I push at times.  Then I know I can sit down and go thru coupons and other things around the can.  Also I know I can walk to places and that always makes me feel abit better nomatter what I do.  Anyway now that I am saveing some money this week and I will take it eather way.  Pluss Olliver likes it when I start singing to myself.  It is one of my excapes that I have here of being alone.  That and being as cheap as I can 5 days a week around here.  I do what I can.