Sunday, December 13, 2009

I haven't got to the whole thing

I got to alot of the blankets they are in the washer now.  This is bad when folks wont pay the storage unit fee every month.  I almost let mine go with good reasons.  I dident wanna put up with an Ungreatfull Brat anymore.  So I am more than happy I kept the unit now.  Free sheets to blankies and dishes also.  Well after all of this I hope I can get a house on the auction block for dirt cheap now.  There has been so much that it is bad around here.  With the government running bussnisses out along with people gee I wander why they can't pay thier bills here in the state of NY.  With my place I have ran below the budget for so long that people are surprized when I order something on line around here.  I have done this for so many years that it doesen't even affect me anymore.  I have to laugh sometimes around here becuase I have seen alot of folks go broke.  Then they ask in how I do everything.  After they get into trouble in thier own place.  Some don't want to listen to what I have to say.  Or don't want to hear what went wrong.  I have cut around here to what seems to be squat to some folks.  I don't even get the unnessasary stuff that most get.  Like extra shot guns.  I asked someone if they could eat the shotgun that he had just bought.  Well it's ok if you go hunting and get something or 2 every year.  I do not go hunting all year at all.  I could care less.  As I sit here I am not knocking the hunters out there at all.  I am sure that most do catch something everytime they go out.  Anyway now to check on the washer again.  Blankets of course.  I will not complain at all since they were free.  That is only part of what I got out of the dumpster today that was still good.  Oh well have fun and play even harder.